Community Impact Ambassadors

Community Impact Ambassadors


Community Impact Ambassadors

As part of the funding evaluation process, community members may serve as Community Impact Ambassadors (CIA). These volunteers conduct annual site visits of all United Way funded programs and fill out evaluation survey that are then provided to the Community Impact Cabinet (CIC). Funding is not tied to these visits, but the CIC takes the CIA feedback into consideration when evaluating programs.







Time Frame:


Volunteer Commitment: 

  • CIA Volunteers are asked to complete approximately 6 hours of service
  • CIA Volunteers must attend CIA Orientation/Training
  • CIA Volunteers must Visit Funded Partner sites
  • CIA Volunteers must complete Feedback Survey for each site visited
  • CIA Volunteers are encouraged to attend CIA Thank You Round Table


Reports: Funded programs are required to complete mid year reports on a 6 month basis. These reports include:

  • Updated financial documents
  • Outcome reports
  • Program results


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