Certified Partner Agencies

Certified Partner Agencies are non-funded agencies that are verified by the United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties as being financially viable, operating under strong governance, and working to positively impact the Volusia-Flagler community.
The Certified Partner Agency program is intended to build the capacity of Volusia-Flagler nonprofit organizations by providing partners with capacity-building training at a discounted rate, volunteer support, and opportunities for marketing and collaboration.
For more information on the Certified Partner Agency, please see the followingProgram Summary.
Current Certified Partner Agencies
Capacity-Building Workshops
All workshops will be hosted at the United Way office, and led by Rollins College professors. Certified Partner Agencies will be eligible for priority registration and a special discount for these capacity-building workshops.
How To Become A Certified Partner Agency
All 501(c)3 non-profit organizations serving Volusia and Flagler Counties that are not currently receiving United Way Community Impact funding are eligible to become Certified Partners of United Way.
Non-501(c)3 organizations that abide by the United Way mission and contribute to improving the Education, Financial Stability, and Health of the Volusia-Flalgler community are also eligible for the program.
To become a Certified Partner, agencies must submit an application at uwvfc.communityforce.com. Applicants must submit the following documentation:
- Proof of Nonprofit Status (or IRS determination letter)
- IRS Forms 990 and W-9
- Current Agency Budget
- Roster of Agency Board of Directors
- Appropriate Financial Documents
Organizations with a prior year annual budget of $500,000 or greater must provide a prior year financial audit completed by an independent Certified Public Accountant (CPA).
Organizations with a prior year annual budget between $200,000 and $499,999 must provide a prior year financial review completed by an independent CPA.
Organizations with a prior year annual budget of less than $200,000 must provide financial statements from the last two fiscal years and one of the following: A financial compilation completed by an independent CPA or a 990 (not a 990-EZ) completed by an independent CPA.
Applications will be reviewed by United Way staff members and the volunteer Community Impact Cabinet. Acceptance as a Certified Partner Agency is based upon an agency’s finances, governance, commitment to the United Way mission, and sustainability.
For more information
For more information about the Certified Partner Agency Program, please contact Francine Martin at 386-275-1948 or fmartin@uwvfc.org.