Two Months (and Counting) at UWVFC

Hello, dedicated readers!
My name is Taylor Duguay, and I serve as the Community Impact Specialist for the United Way of Volusia Flagler Counties. I’ve been working at United Way for almost two months now, which is mind-boggling to me—time really does fly when you’re working hard. When I started in this position eight weeks ago, I had just graduated from Stetson University, and was admittedly a bit nervous (only a bit) to start my first official, full-time, adult job. But within the first few days of being here, I could definitively say that I loved my job. For the record, two months later I can still say that I love my job.
Over the course of the last eight weeks, I’ve jumped feet first into the UW life. I was lucky enough to start in this position just two weeks before the announcement of our Community Impact funding, so it’s no secret that my first two months here have been exciting, to say the least.
Actually, one of the aspects of my job that I love most is the fact that our United Way is transitioning—pretty successfully, if I do say so myself—to the Community Impact model. This model of grant funding recognizes that our role as a United Way is to meet the specific, long-term needs of our community within the impact areas of Education, Financial Stability, and Health. In other words, this model works toward achieving long-term solutions to the issues facing members of our community.
I’ve also loved becoming part of a community of such amazingly passionate people. Everyone who works and volunteers for United is so passionate about our community and the work we do. Seriously, they get excited talking about “community impact” and “outcomes” and increasing “the organized capacity of our community to care for its people” (that’s our mission at UWVFC, by the way). But, not surprisingly, so do I.
That’s why I love my job. Because I get to be part of a team comprised of extremely passionate individuals who are working to eliminate some of the most sever injustices facing our community. After two months, I’m starting to better understand the importance of the phrase, “Live United.”

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