Granting $965,600 to the Community through The United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties Community Impact Grant

The Community Foundation and United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties (UWVFC) are granting $965,600 ($1,931,200 for the two-year cycle) Community through The United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties Community Impact Grant. 25 programs from 19 nonprofits serving Volusia and Flagler counties in the areas of Education, Financial Stability, and Health are awarded the two-year grants. Funding was allocated to all programs that met the eligibility criteria and achieved the required scoring threshold.
The Community Impact grant process is led by the Community Impact Cabinet, a volunteer group tasked with managing the Community Impact process from selection to evaluation. This cycle began in September 2022 with a Letter of Intent. Qualified agencies were invited to submit a proposal for programs that responded to one of the eight priority areas established by the Community Impact Cabinet. Proposals were scored in five main categories: quality, alignment, impact, collaboration, and social return on investment. Next, programs were ranked based on their scores and a funding methodology was applied to assign grant amounts.
The Community Impact Cabinet had multiple considerations with funding including:
- Support at least one qualified program in each requested priority area
- Ensure adequate resource distribution between counties and across focus areas
- Reward top-rated applications with a higher percentage of their requested funding
“The pool of applicants was extremely competitive this cycle,” said Courtney Edgcomb, President and CEO of the Community Foundation and United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties. “Our Board believes in the Community Impact process and we know that our volunteers on the Community Impact Cabinet acted with integrity and consistency when reviewing applications and recommending funding. The competitive nature of our process ensures that no organizations or programs are entitled to funding from one cycle to the next.”
One element of consideration in the funding decision was resource distribution between counties and across focus areas. Of the $965,600 awarded each year, 25% ($245,000) is earmarked for Flagler-specific programs, 37% ($352,500) for Volusia-specific programs, and 38% ($368,100) for dual-county benefit. Additionally, Education and Health programs received 33% of the funding ($314,500 and $325,100 respectively) and Financial Stability received 34% ($326,000).
One of United Ways 2021-2023 Funded Partners, Volusia Flagler County Coalition for the Homeless (VFCCH) was excited to continue to have the support of United Way. “United Way grants facilitate street outreach, the integration of permanent supportive housing, and healthcare-related services to homeless persons. Their support has enabled VFCCH to be at the forefront of efforts to identify, engage, and provide services to homeless individuals and families. Since 2019, United Way’s support has helped place 627 homeless individuals (93 chronically homeless) in safe and affordable housing and 29 “high utilizers” (defined as 3 or more admissions to an emergency, crisis response, or criminal enforcement agency) placed and receiving services to help them reach their optimal level of wellness, functional capabilities, and life management. United Way’s support continues to go a long way in helping to end homelessness in Volusia and Flagler Counties,” said Harry Cole, Executive Director of Volusia Flagler County Coalition for the Homeless Inc.
“United Way of Volusia Flagler Counties mentorship and professional, partnership development have enabled Presbyterian Counseling Center to move to the next level in community service. After 36 years of providing counseling and parenting support, United Way funding has allowed us to expand our services-- from five therapists in three offices to twenty-four therapists in nine offices! We've gone from providing 2,000 individual and family sessions a year to more than 14,000 in 2022 for 1,400+ individuals. Our Circle of Security-Parenting group is now reaching women in recovery (WARM), new parents exiting foster care (Legacy House) and families and children leaving abusive situations (Beacon Center & Family Life).
“Through Women United & our community education grant funding, we've provided professional training on The Growing Brain and early childhood development, Adverse Childhood Experiences, Protective Factors & self-care for caregivers. The community endorsement and financial support from United Way as well as leveraging and extending existing resources have made Presbyterian Counseling Center (PCC) exponentially more effective in our community over the first two years of our grant award! We can't wait to see what comes next,” said Laura Walker, Administrative Director of Presbyterian Counseling Center.
“We would love to distribute more dollars to these impactful programs, but we need the community’s support to do that,” said Board Chair Dustin Smurdon. “Support for the United Way campaign is integral to the services that the United Way can offer to the community.”
The United Way of Volusia-Flagler Counties raises funds through the annual campaign to provide financial and capacity-building support to nonprofits, volunteer management services to the community, disaster assistance, and other programs with community benefits like the 211 First Call for Help and the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program. In addition, the organization provides traditional Community Foundation tools that connect donors with philanthropic advisement for the greatest impact. In 2023-24, the Community Foundation will distribute $129,684 from Community Foundation funds supporting specific nonprofits and fields of interest in the Volusia and Flagler communities.
“Essentially, the Community Foundation and United Way provide an opportunity for a donor to support their community from their first day at their first job to their legacy planning in the fourth quarter of their life,” said Edgcomb.
Visit our funded partners page to learn more: /our-impact/funded-partners/index
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